Northwood Park Primary School
Proud to be part of the SHINE Academies Family

Collaborative - Courageous - Compassionate

Our School
We are proud to be the combined effort of the whole Northwood Community. As a team, we work hard to make the most of every opportunity we have to learn, grow and pursue our passions. Find out about the Northwood Experience and what you will see when you walk through our doors.
"I'm proud to be part of this school and I'm proud to be me."
Year 6 Pupil 2022

SEND and Inclusion
At Northwood Park, we to provide an inclusive curriculum where all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and to develop as happy and successful individuals.
"Northwood Park is a truly inclusive school."
Inclusion Quality Mark Assessment

"I was thoroughly impressed by the behaviour and attitudes of the students who were a credit to your school."
Councilor Sandra Samuels OBE
Mayor of Wolverhampton
Our carefully designed curriculum offers a wide breath of knowledge that promotes creativity and critical thinking. It is enhanced to celebrate and meet the needs of our specific community.

'The Family Liaison team are like a second family to my child. We moved house a few miles away, but we know that this is the best place, so we still come here.'
Parent, Year 3 2023

"Staff have a great deal of expertise in teaching phonics and reading. They are well trained and deliver sessions consistently well. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and use questions well to check pupils’ understanding and deepen their knowledge."
External report. 2023

Latest News
Keep up to date with everything going on at Northwood park and the success of our children
'I know what my best looks like and I have the tools do my best even under pressure.
Even when we face a challenge, we do it with a smile on our face. That's the Northwood Park way.'
Pupil, Year 5 2023

"You and your skilful staff team foster and promote a vibrant and positive learning community."
Ofsted, 2017
Everything parents need to know, from term dates, uniform and Afterschool clubs

"Leaders and staff value pupils’ work and efforts and motivate them to succeed and enjoy their education."
Ofsted, 2017
It is our aim that every pupil who attends Northwood Park not only receives an outstanding education, but also has access to fantastic extra curricular studies and activities

"Parents and carers agree,
rightly, that this is a good
school with some
outstanding features"
Ofsted, 2017