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SHINE Academies Trust

SHINE Academies Trust


Northwood Park Primary School is part of SHINE Academies.


Northwood Park Primary School converted as a standalone academy on 1st January 2015. As a result of our outstanding data, ethos and ambitious plans for development, we were selected as a Sponsor for Lodge Farm Primary School (formerly Lodge Farm JMI) and together formed a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), known as Northwood Park Educational Trust, on 1st April 2016. This was later renamed as SHINE Academies Trust.


Our team of Directors (also known as Trustees) are responsible for the strategic and financial management of the MAT. They are overseen by three elected Members, who have overall responsibility for the MAT. Directors and Members are governed by the Articles of Association, that were adopted on conversion. Directors are also responsible for the performance management of the Executive Head Teacher.


When appointing Directors, consideration is given to any skills gaps within the Trust, to ensure that a wide range of skills are available to fulfill the Trusts ambitious plans.


In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Trust Board meet at least three times per year.


Each school has a Local Governing Body which is made up of a range of highly skilled people including parents and community governors. Local Governing Bodies are responsible for ensuring policy compliance and other responsibilities as outlined in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation, which are specific to each school.


A variety of committees including Finance, General Purpose and Audit and Curriculum, report directly to the Local Governing Bodies and feed into the MAT Board meetings.

Contact details for SHINE Academies:

SHINE Academies

Northwood Park Primary School

Collingwood Road



WV10 8DS

Download SHINE Academy Trust accounts here.

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